Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Overwatch thoughts

Been playing for about four months.  This may be the perfect online game.

Can we rework Ana?  I think her voice lines are too negative and not energetic enough.

I think D. Va is overpowered.  I think we need to see her with fewer hit points or shorter gank move.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Phil Spector

Consider these three songs: Da Doo Ron Ron, Then He Kissed Me, and Be My Baby.  They say Phil Spector took his inspiration from Wagner.  There are many songs with the "Wall of Sound," but few did it as well as Phil.  These recordings are magic--there must have been multiple takes.  I saw the HBO movie about the night of the Spector shooting and it's hard to see how he's not culpable, but dang it, the guy was a pop song genius.  The mad wizard of pop magic.